Sea Monsters A Prehistoric Adventure is a National Geographic presentation which has an interesting story line. It follows a sea creature in a prehistoric time (Dolly). The story flips between a fictional tale in Dolly's world and the work of scientists in ours.
Sea Monsters A Prehistoric Adventure is now available on DVD and blu-ray in your choice of 3D or not. I've read mixed reviews about the 3D version. Some love it and some don't. You can read the Amazon customer reviews for yourself by clicking right here. They might help you decide which version of this movie you want to own.
This movie is not one of the advanced new 3D movies and you will have to wear the red and blue glasses that come with it. Fortunately, if you are interested in this documentary, you will not need a 3D blu-ray player nor a 3D HDTV.
See you
at the movies!
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Buy your copy of Sea Monsters Prehistoric Adventure on DVD or blu-ray.
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